Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.” - Denis Waitley

It's February 2013 and I'm still writing! 

Fear is Stronger than Love

“Fear is stronger than love” 
 Tupac Shakur, Resurrection, 1971-1996

I like looking up quotes. I post them on Twitter and Facebook and I post them around my house and jot them on index cards I carry around. This one in particular stands out. I can identify with it. It's a daily struggle to overcome the fear of the ghosts of "what if's,"  the demons of "past failures"  and oddly enough the terror of "what will I do when I succeed"? It's crazy, but fear can be the water that douses a dream's fire (if you let it). Fear can be a sledgehammer to the knee caps of progress as you fight your way to the next step toward your personal goal.  I'm quite familiar with this one. There have been times when I've had my manuscript and contemplated taking a lighter to it out of frustration but reading Twits, Facebook posts, talking to actual "full time" writers and friends, I put the lighter down and write on. It's hard chasing a dream. Sometimes your legs give out. Sometimes you catch a cramp. Sometimes you let yourself go, on the physical or skills level, and you get fat. 


Fear can paralyze and kill. It can scare the love of what you do right out of you, but as long as love burns, even if it's a tiny spark-you can overcome fear. I've sat for months at a time fearing that I'm not a good enough writer to move my story forward. I've learned to recognize the internal critics, the doubts and nay saying that goes on inside and kill them with truth. Being devoted to anything is hard. It takes work and it can and most assuredly is a lonely journey. I've learned to take the water that threaten to douse my dream's fire and turn it to gasoline so that my dream burns brighter. I am willing to do what it takes to sharpen my craft, so that I am worthy of, and able to tell the stories that rattle around in my head. I aspire to be on the bookshelves (or virtual bookshelves) with an actual readership. (Woo Hoo!). This year I'm doing things that scare me in order to evolve. I've slacked up on my virtual presence but I'm not quitting. How about you? How are you doing with your dreams? Are you letting fear beat you into paralysis or are you pushing forward? 

Pushing past fear gives birth to courage. Without love you won't have the courage to overcome fear. Fear+Love=Growth  

Just an unknown sharing a stumbling block that when viewed properly can be a ladder up.

“During your life, never stop dreaming. No one can take away your dreams” 
 Tupac Shakur