Write a Book in a Month? Let the Writer's Block Begin!
NANOWRIMO The challenge of all challenges...at least for me. I'm horrible at staying focused, keeping the faith, and carrying my story on to completion. I'm a great idea person. Stories come to me all the time, but what I find the most challenging is remaining focused in the midst of the sea of life. Also, if I focus on critics rather than my story, my work is bound to stall.
What has been great is my decision to love the stories I have in me. If I don't put in the time to write them, develop the characters (love them and hate them), I find I don't care so much about praise but the story itself. As a creative being, I am chock full of emotions. I want people to enjoy what I have created, but as a creator my concern needs to center on my creation.
This is just a few random thoughts. Something to fill my blog, but hopefully will be food for thought for writers struggling to get to the end of their story as he or she maneuvers through the maze of the day to day.
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