Sunday, January 20, 2013

To make our way, we must have firm resolve, persistence, tenacity. We must gear ourselves to work hard all the way. We never let up. - Ralph Bunche

For the mortal man (or woman in my case) it only takes a few good hits to dissolve the firm resolve that starts out in the new year. So far, I'm glad I've managed to "just keep swimming" toward my goal of being more productive in the realm of writing. I've finished my first short story re-write. I've gotten a few reviews from readers. I have a black sharpie, blue pen and lined post-it notes and am slashing away at my manuscript. The amount of time, effort and heart that go into the process of writing (or whatever it is that calls to your heart and soul) can be overwhelming. Add on it life: the social, the dollar earning nine to five and the spiritual (whether one is of the faith or not), and I'm already tired. Yet, I must make my way, with firm resolve, persistence, tenacity. I must gear myself to work hard all the way.

Criticism. Feedback. They can be the sharpest blades. I welcome them. I have learned to edify myself with the choicest comments. I have also learned to ignore what does not edify and sift through opinion. I'm seeking more of it. I joined a local StoryStudio in order to be around working writers to remind myself I am not alone in the fight to produce readable work. There is also the constant battle to quiet my inner critic. Feedback. Communion. These things peel back the fingers of my critic from the windpipe of my muse, allowing her to breathe. Ideas flow. My fingers move across the keyboard. I write. I produce. I make my way.

We must gear ourselves to work hard all the way. - For me I call this the Double D (and I don't me cup size), "Discipline and Determination." The discipline portion is reconditioning myself to sit down and write for four hours. I can break it up, but four hours is the personal minimum. So far, I have reached it a few times this month but not consistently. The determination portion is writing my goals on post-it notes and hanging them where I will always see them. Finding more than one accountability partner. Being my own police. Cutting myself very little to no slack. Not stopping even if I don't reach my goal in one sitting. It's about pressing on until the last page of my novel or short story is complete. It's exposing myself to my critics so I can grow as a writer. It takes work. It takes effort. It takes me (and anyone with a dream or goal) never letting up.

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